Thursday, March 26, 2015

Raw cacao truffle balls


                 Raw Cacao Truffle Balls 
This 4 ingredient snack is packed with antioxidants and contains one of the best superfoods in the world, cacao.  These energy balls are so yum and healthy for you and super easy to make. I know we are all always busy and on the go so when something taste this good and is literally so easy to make I get so excited to share it. Finding healthy alternatives to satisfy sweet cravings while nitrifying your body is fun and easy to do. It's never about restriction but rather alternatives. Once you start adding the good stuff you slowly start getting rid of the bad, it's a process.

Raw Cacao is one of the main ingredients in this recipe. It offers a wealth of antioxidants and minerals and has numerous benefits. Here are just a few: lowers blood pressure and improves body circulation, rich in "bliss chemicals" which enhance physical and mental well being (bliss chemicals- Google it), acts as a mild diuretic which helps to push toxins out of your body, improves blood circulation to improve focus and mood, and is even used as a natural cough suppressant! These are just a few of the benefits, you can do your own research and find out how truly Amazing Cacao is.


- 1/4 cup of raw cacao powder
- 1 cup of almond flour or make your own almond flower by putting almonds in a blender until they become powder like.
- 1 tbsp of coconut oil OR 4 tbsp of filtered water or coconut milk ( this allows for easy forming into balls) add more if necessary
- 1/3 cup of sweetener agave (optional) for a sweeter taste
Put in fridge for 30 minutes and enjoy! 
* vegan and gluten free 

Mix it up
You can add coconut flakes, goji berries, chia seeds, almond butter, dates, and just about any healthy Topping you'd like to make different flavored truffle balls. 

Can't wait to share more healthy, yummy recipes with yall.

With love,
Mary Joe

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