Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5 Myths About Juicing!
1. "Be Careful, You May Faint"
Really? I am going to Faint from getting the best nutrients in my body? No, you will not faint. If you are nourishing your body properly, your body is actually getting EXACTLY what it needs. You might experience headaches, weakness, and hunger all due to withdrawal like symptoms as if you were an addict but you are not being harmed by it. Once you get over those rough days, you will start feeling energetic and your body will bounce back. 

2. Juicing is "Extreme"
Since when did putting fruits and vegetables in our bodies become "extreme"? Actually no, the opposite is extreme. Putting harmful chemicals and ingredients into our bodies is even more extreme.

3. It's just so much work.
Yes! you are correct. Juicing is ALOT of work. It requires you to prepare your food. Wash, Cut, and store! You will have a lot of dishes to do and a lot of preparation...but isn't your body worth it? 

 4. But, But, But......
Stop. Making. Excuses. If you want to change, do it. There is never a "right" time. If your going to try it, dedicate yourself and be in the right mind. Yes, it is hard, but you can do this. Give it a try. I really had to do a lot of reflecting and thinking before I chose to do this. I had to prepare my mind and body for the change. These past few days I have learned so much about my body and how I rely on processed foods for comfort. You will discover things about yourself you never knew.
5. How do I get my protein?
Dark Green Vegetables will serve your protein needs and provide your body with calcium, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids
Broccoli contains 45% protein
Spinach contains 30% protein
Kale contains 45% protein


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